۱۳۸۸ مهر ۲۴, جمعه

Ich denke es hat weniger mit Begreifen der USA, sondern eher mit der Politik Pro-Schiaismus mancher ihrer politischen Kreisen zu tun, die IR unterstützen. Z. Beispiel kann ich hier die Namen William Beeman und Juan Cole einführen. Der Anthropologe und Leiter des Middle East Studies Institute der Brown University, William O. Beeman, vertritt die These,

dass ein "schiitischer transnationaler Block" aus den Schiiten Irans, Iraks, Libanons, Bahrains, Kuwaits, Saudi-Arabiens, Afghanistans, Pakistans und Indiens im Entstehen begriffen sei. Und Juan Cole spricht in diesem Zusammenhang von einer schiitischen Achse, die in Zukunft die Politik des Nahen Ostens dominieren werde.

W. Beeman schreibt über das Thema Atom im Iran aktuell auf seiner Seite:


So, why have our national leaders misled the public about this program? One reason is that Iran has become the universal bogeyman for American politicians. No one has ever lost a vote by attacking Iran and many have been attacked for seeming to be “soft” on Iran. Moreover, Israel and its supporters have successfully promulgated the equation that to be less than hostile to Iran is to be anti-Israel or even anti-Semitic. Neoconservatives in the Bush administration also had plans for regime change in Iran dating back to the early 1990’s, and portraying Iran as a nuclear menace would build public support for an attack on the Islamic Republic.

Americans may think that an Iranian nuclear weapons program exists because of the clever rhetoric used by Iran’s detractors—even Obama. Phrases like, “We must prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon,” or “If Iran gets a nuclear weapon, the world is in danger,” are weasel phrases designed to mislead the public. The same tricks were used to convince the public that Iraq was behind the 9-11 attacks on New York and Washington.

One thing is certain. If the American public does not wake up and realize that it is being deceived on Iran, either Israel or the United States or both could attack Iran’s nuclear facilities, Iran would retaliate, and the world conflagration would truly begin.

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